Saturday, October 27, 2007

To my fellow Females out there: Do You Want to Make Football Your Friend?

My fellow Females, I need help! I am trying to gauge the interest that women have in the NFL for my company, I have read that 40 percent of NFL fans are women. I would like to reach these women. I want to know what interests women about the NFL. For me, it's the excitement of the game and the excuse to yell and scream at the top of my lungs for no apparent reason. You see, if you do the screaming during a game, no one cares or looks at you as if you grew two heads and are ready for hormone replacement therapy. Excuse me, I have digressed.

Anyway, what about the NFL turns you on? Is it the strategy of the game? Is it the feeling of comraderie you feel towards fans who like the same teams you do? Is it the cool women's jerseys and hats you can buy now? Or is it just the way those young guys look in the uniforms? All kidding aside, I am a lonely female football company CEO. Come on, women! Lend me a female hand.

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