Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Week 8 NFL Performance Rankings

The top five Performance Rankings for Week 8 according to are the Patriots, Steelers, Colts, Giants and Titans. These Performance Rankings are based on in-game statistics that measure a team's offensive performance. These statistics take into account such elements as the scoring drive, the points scored and time of possession.

In the included chart, you will see each team, their win-loss record and the PossessionPoints measure of relative performance which is colored green, yellow or red. A green chart indicates a positive and strong team performance. A yellow chart indicates a mediocre to fair performance and a red chart tells the tale of trouble ahead.

These Performance Ratings are unique because they are based on in-game stats that are present in each game every week. Not present in these performance ratings are any opinion and or subjective measure of any type.

This week, The New York Giants have pulled into fourth place ahead of the Titans and behind the Colts. Their trip to London had little effect on their winning streak. This is the Giants’ sixth straight win which at this time puts them at the top as far as Relative Performance Measure (RPM) in the NFC. Performance Rankings

Another team to watch is the New Orleans Saints who continue to improve. After languishing in the bottom five of the Performance Rankings for the first four games, they have managed to move up to the 18th spot – five spots better than last week. Their RPM improved from a -25 last week to a -10 this week. They could make a similar improvement this week with another win. Another win would make the Saints 4-4, and could vault their RPM from -10 to a +5. Believe it or not, a move like that could revive playoff talks in New Orleans. We are not ready to go there yet with the Saints. Our current projections based on their RPM and remaining schedule forecast New Orleans to have a record of 8-8 and just miss the playoffs.

See our chart below with the projected final records of all the NFC and AFC teams. Projected Standings

Saturday, October 27, 2007

To my fellow Females out there: Do You Want to Make Football Your Friend?

My fellow Females, I need help! I am trying to gauge the interest that women have in the NFL for my company, I have read that 40 percent of NFL fans are women. I would like to reach these women. I want to know what interests women about the NFL. For me, it's the excitement of the game and the excuse to yell and scream at the top of my lungs for no apparent reason. You see, if you do the screaming during a game, no one cares or looks at you as if you grew two heads and are ready for hormone replacement therapy. Excuse me, I have digressed.

Anyway, what about the NFL turns you on? Is it the strategy of the game? Is it the feeling of comraderie you feel towards fans who like the same teams you do? Is it the cool women's jerseys and hats you can buy now? Or is it just the way those young guys look in the uniforms? All kidding aside, I am a lonely female football company CEO. Come on, women! Lend me a female hand.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

PossessionPoints Are Stats that Tell the Whole Story of an NFL Game

If you play a football pool every week or participate in a fantasy football league, you are always looking for that one piece of information that gives you the edge over all your competitors. If you’re a fan that watches the NFL consistently, you know that broadcasters have limited information to offer viewers besides the traditional stats that most fans don’t care about because they are unaware of their relative importance. PossessionPoints revolutionizes NFL stats for fans, fantasy football players, pool participants, broadcasters and believe it or not – NFL coaches.

The first and most important premise of PossessionPoints is that “Not all points scored are created equally.” Points scored from long drives later in the game are more valuable than points scored early in the game or on quick-strike drives. Why? The points on the long drive do more than drive up a score. They give a defense rest and confidence while causing frustration and a sense of desperation in an opponent.

The second premise of PossessionPoints is that points scored by a defense or special teams DO NOT COUNT. That’s right-they don’t count. Now, we wouldn’t tell that to a Devon Hester. He might get mad. Look, we are not saying these players are not essential to the game. We are saying that in the world of PossessionPoints, defense and special teams’ scores do little psychological damage on an opponent’s offense. The offense returns to the field ready to take on the challenge with stronger resolve.

Those unfamiliar with PossessionPoints may not understand why the stat encompasses the psychological aspect of the game, but this is why PossessionPoints is so valuable. It mathematically and scientifically takes into account the momentum of a game. This is an added edge that no other stat or data delivers.

With these premises stated, let’s look at the nuts and bolts of PossessionPoints. PossessionPoints takes into account and measure a team’s offense, defense and net effect using criteria such as the number of points scored, the length of a drive and in what quarter the points were scored. The net, which is the most telling aspect of the outcome of a game, is the number of offensive PossessionPoints scored minus the number of offensive PossessionPoints scored by the other team or in other words, the number of PossessionPoints allowed by the defense. As a game progresses, the number of offensive, defensive and net effect PossessionPoints is posted on their own graphic indicator. An exceptional performance turns the graphic indicators green; a so-so performance colors the indicators yellow and a poor performance turns the indicators an alarming red. During a game, teams can post all the same color for all indicators or a combination of red, green and yellow. A full green sweep is a truly positive performance and full red graph means, well - that a team will be watching a lot of films that week.

As far as accuracy, when a team turns its offensive indicators green, it has over a 75 percent chance of winning a game. A team that earns a green net effect has a 95 percent or better chance of posting a victory.
For a broadcaster and those who watch games on TV, a PossessionPoints graphic indicator is an easy way to see the true story of what is taking place on the field. For a coach, keeping track of PossessionPoints can be a welcome tool in measuring an opponent’s stamina and ability to stop crucial plays on fourth down or in other tricky game situations.

As the season of football progresses, the week-by-week tally of PossessionPoints gains insight into the future performance of a team. PossessionPoints can weed through the false data and determine which offenses and defenses measure up. This is easy to see because the seasonal data can also be recorded on the red, yellow and green indicators. For those who make picks on games, having the knowledge at hand of how teams have actually performed can influence the decision on what teams are the best to pick. PossessionPoints’ offers matchups to members of their site, and the picks sometimes differ greatly from the picks that rely on traditional stats. For those who live in the world of Fantasy Football, knowing which teams truly have the strongest offense and defense makes selecting players a whole lot easier as well.
PossessionPoints helps in so many facets of NFL play. The bottom line is that PossessionPoints are stats that tell the actual story of how a team performs. They are not just a compilation of numbers that make no sense. PossessionPoints offers the most valuable information no matter what the football activity.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 Week 7 NFL Performance Rankings

The top five Performance Rankings according to are the Patriots, Steelers, Colts, Titans and Giants. These Performance Rankings are based on in-game statistics that measure the team's offensive performance. These statistics take into account such elements as the scoring drive, the points scored and time of possession.

In the included chart, you will see each team, their win-loss record and the PossessionPoints measure of relative performance which is colored green, yellow or red. A green chart indicates a positive and strong team performance. A yellow chart indicates a mediocre to fair performance and a red chart tells the tale of trouble ahead.

performance rankings

These Performance Ratings are unique because they are based on in-game stats that are present in each game every week. Not present in these performance ratings are any opinion and or subjective measure of any type.

This week you may notice the Giants are in the top five. With their fifth straight win, they have now passed the Cowboys who are right behind them in sixth place on our Relative Performance Measure (RPM).

The Giants started out near the bottom of the list but have doggedly moved up each week. Also, notice that although they have been bottom feeding for the four weeks of the season, The Saints are also making a move to climb the chart. While they are still in the 23rd spot, their PossessionPoints stats have improved each week. In fact, they posted a green offensive indicator for the first time this season in this past week's game against the beleaguered and hapless Falcons.

The Relative Performance Measure stands on its own, but it may not mean that teams will end the season in this order. uses our RPM to project teams' records depending on their remaining schedule. Take a look at the charts. One thing to note: while the Packers are at 12th on our RPM, the PossessionPoints forecast has them finishing the season at 13-3 which would be second best in the NFC.

projected standings

Another team to pay attention to is the San Diego Chargers. The Chargers have climbed all the way back to number nine on PossessionPoints RPM list. So, PossessionPoints has their projected record at 10-6. Obviously, not everything is a sure thing in the world of the NFL. All teams will make a concerted effort to step up their game and ascend the Performance Charts. Even the Patriots who are being lauded as near-perfect, will try to seal up any gaps and weaknesses they have in their game play. However, to paraphrase Charles Dickens and Scrooge (bear with us on this culture aside): should these shadows go unchanged by future events, this is what will be.

How I got to be CEO of an NFL Stat Company

It all started in December of 2006, when my husband, Ed, and I sat and watched the Eagles punt away a ball at the 4th and 15 in an NFL playoff game. After listening to my screams of disbelief and the audible shouts and sobs of dismay that emanated from my neighbors’ homes, my husband felt compelled to put his engineering mind to work and develop a stat that could assist coaches in implementing strategy in critical game situations. Thus, was born.

When Ed first told me about the stat, I was doubtful. How could numbers play such an important role in the game of football? As I watched him use the stat during the playoffs, I realized that he had invented the “Real McCoy”. I put on my PR hat and went to work. First stop, the lawyers for getting a Service Mark, starting the patent process and making us a corporation. After all that was completed, I was ready to promote.

At first, broadcasters and football people didn’t want to hear from us, but as the stat proved itself at the beginning of this season, we started to get recognition. Since the start of the pre-season, Ed has been interviewed by several sports radio personalities around the country. Print articles about the new stat have also been published.

PossessionPoints is no fluke. Using factors such as time of possession, the length of a scoring drive and the points scored, the stat tells an accurate picture of an NFL team’s true performance on the offense and defense side of the ball. What does this mean? Well, when used for in-game analysis, PossessionPoints can tell you with an accuracy of 96% who will be the winner of that game long before the clock runs out – sometimes as early as the first quarter. This gives coaches a chance to change strategy and broadcasters time to figure out other things to talk about.

For many of us, our football activity does not allow us the privilege of waiting until game time to pick a winner, but that’s okay, because PossessionPoints can accommodate your need to know as soon as possible too. For example, in week 5 of this season, I picked 12 out of 14 winners using only the stat, and we even gauge our Performance Rankings on it as well.
Our website has lots of freebies for visitors, but our members receive the real nuts and bolts info. They not only get a weekly e-newsletter but they receive our match up pages for future games plus other trends and stats that may be of interest.

I have always loved football, so I was never a football widow. However, if you would have told me a year ago, that I would be running a company like this, I would have laughed out loud. Oh well, life is funny, and if my life is meant to be wrapped around the NFL, then so be it.